How do I view my pages on the WWW? Print

  • 1058

If your domain name is not yet live on our servers, you can view your pages by using your IP address as follows: http://your-ip-address/ .Be sure to include the forward slash after your ip address.
If your domain is live on our servers, you can view your pages within any browser by typing any of the following in your browser: (of course replace with your actual domain name and its extension.)

If you are getting an error when typing the above, several things could have gone wrong, these are as follows:
1) Your initial page is not named index.html (lowercase)
2) The code in your index.html page is incorrect
3) The registration/transfer request for your domain has not been completed. (this process can take up to 72 hours. If it has been 72 hours and the transfer of your domain has been requested through Network Solutions, Resellers will need to contact Network Solutions themselves using the “tracking number” provided in their confirmation email. Our regular hosting clients need to submit our Technical Support Request Form and provide us with the Tracking Number so that we can contact them.
4) Your account has been deactivated due to non-payment,/non-compliance of our policies, or spamming violations - users need to contact Technical Support.

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